
Here you will find relevant links to our partners and to respected organisations within the industries in which we operate.

Hypha Discovery

Hypha Discovery is a microbial technology company involved in the discovery and production of microbial and mammalian metabolites. Hypha are experts in the scalable production of DMPK metabolites and generation of polar analogues, and are also a leading provider of unique natural product screening libraries and associated services.

Safety Alliance

The Safety Alliance consists of a selected number of high-quality, complementary CROs located in Europe. It was built as a coordination and monitoring function for Multi-Site studies between the different CROs in order to deliver a high quality standard to our valued clients. These CROs are called Safety Alliance Partners.
The management of the Safety Alliance is performed by AnaPath GmbH.


Selcia is pleased to be associated with the following organisations

The International Isotope Society

An international organisation covering synthesis and applications of isotopically labelled compounds; the analysis and purification of isotopically labelled compounds; the applications of isotopes in various fields of science, industry as well as medicine; and uses in the discovery of new drugs.

One Nucleus

One Nucleus is a membership organisation for international life science and healthcare companies. It based in Cambridge and London UK at the heart of Europe’s largest life science and healthcare cluster.

BioPartner UK is an independent, accredited trade organisation that promotes international partnering for trade, investment and collaborations with UK life science companies.

Royal Society of Chemistry

The largest organisation in Europe for advancing the chemical sciences.