RSC Chemistry Means Business, London

Wednesday, June 15, 2016 to Thursday, June 16, 2016

Selcia will attend RSC Chemistry Means Business in North Greenwich, London.

Selcia will attend both the Emerging Technologies Competition Final and the Technology and Business Exhibition the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Chemistry Means Business at the Intercontinental Hotel O2, London.

This RSC innovation initiative provides a showcase for small company representatives and university entrepreneurs to present how they turn promising ideas into commercial reality. The exhibition will provide information on products and services from companies in key industry sectors- Health and Wellbeing; Food & Water; Energy and Environment; Materials; and Business.

Topics for sessions include-

Evaluating and developing your business model

Funding your business: what are the options?

People management: overcoming challenges in a growing company

Innovation ‘wants’: what are large companies looking for?

New markets, new horizons: European networks & reaching out to the Commonwealth


Selcia look forward to meeting you on both days.

Link for more information: